Jamal Mohsin A writer, journalist and columnist. MA Journalism from Karachi University and MBA finance from Iona College NY. Author of 3 books. First humorous book: “امریکا میں دائمی دھرنا” (Permanent Insurrection in America) Currently owner/CEO of his own brokerage firm, at MJM Financial Group. Mainly working as a Financial Advisor/Stock Broker.

Founding member of PACOLI (Pakistani American Community of Long Island) and Founder of www.millanus.com (A premier organisation of hosting Muslim Matrimonial Events ) Jamal Mohsin is former Stock broker at Prudential Security and UBS/PaineWebber. Former Branch manager at MetLife. The author Jamal Mohsin is blessed to be father of two children and three grand children residing in NY.


جمال محسن کے اسلوب تحریر کا نام “فکاہت” ہے- فکاہت کے دامن میں ، لطافت سے مزین ، ذکاوت بھی ہے اور ذہانت بھی۰۰۰ فکاہت اپنے قاری کو زیر لب مسکراہٹ کی دعوت بھی دیتی ہے، اور فکر کی دعوت بھی۔ جمال محسن کے اسلوب میں، مسکراہٹ کا جمال ہے اور فکر کا کمال بھی۔

مامون ایمن، شاعر، نثر نگار اور ناقد​

Award Winning Author

40th Anniversary in Financial industry; during 4 decades of professional life, and personal life, 43 wonderful years with life partner. I went through many training classes and seminars, offered by Major financial institutions like UBS/Paine Webber, Prudential Securities, but it all started with Career Success School at MetLife University in a freezing December of 1982. The 3 weeks of rigorous training (8 am-8pm)included the psychology of a human mind to financial needs analysis without a computer or calculator.
Financial planning is a demanding business, requiring knowledge, experience, empathy, focus, perseverance & determination. Many awards, many rewards in my professional and personal life in the past 40 years. Sales Leaders Award, Management Leaders Awards, sales office of the year’s Award in my professional side, and was rewarded of 2 smart, sweetheart, and hard working children (like me) in my personal life. Curbed my passion (writings)and stay focused on profession. Purchased homes 4 times for bigger and better neighbourhood.
Personal Life
Above all, a wife who brushed off working in my practice, long & odd hours. Independent practice allowed me to be with my children on every little event at their schools. Balancing between a career & family is an art, I may have not earn a fame, but I can claim to be an artist.